Procreate Tattoo Brushes Whipshading Brush set (57)


Digital whip shading/Tattoo Needle shading replicated as close as possible to reflect how the needle marks would appear on skin, this procreate tattoo brushes set is a best seller and a must have.

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Digital whip shading/Tattoo Needle shading replicated as close as possible to reflect how the needle marks would appear on skin, this procreate tattoo brushes set is a best seller and a must have.

Digital whip shading/Tattoo Needle shading replicated as close as possible to reflect how the needle marks would appear on skin, this procreate tattoo brushes set is a best seller and a must have.


This listing is for the purchase of digital design files, no physical product will be posted to you. By purchasing this listing you are agreeing to all of the terms stated below.

How to install procreate tattoo brushes...

1. Once purchased and downloaded (you will receive a download link sent to your email) the procreate tattoo brushes will be saved in your files App (usually shown on first page of your iPad) simply tap the file once and it will instantly save the procreate tattoo brushes in the procreate app alongside your other brushes. Simple!

| details | This procreate tattoo brushes set is intended for tattoo artists working within the Procreate app or for someone who wants to create artwork in this manner ‘whip-shading technique’ in digital form, that being said if you find other uses for these brushes and would still like to purchase them please feel free to do so. If you work with a traditional tattoo style or even black work this procreate tattoo brushes set would be ideal for you, this procreate method can be used before tattooing on the skin and show accurately the technique of whip-shading in digital format.

We would recommend only adjusting the "Streamline" function or size but feel free to use them as you like, if you make a mistake you can just add the file again (stored in your files once purchased) and the original settings will be set to default or alternatively you can duplicate the brush and then find what works better for you.

These brushes will only work with the iPad + Procreate App. (they will also work with procreate pocket)

| files | This listing is for 57 procreate tattoo brushes: - Stipple brush S,M,L - Round shader S,M,L - 5 Flat whip S,M,L - 5 Mag whip S,M,L - 5 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 7 Mag whip S,M,L - 7 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 9 Mag whip S,M,L - 9 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 11 Mag whip S,M,L - 11 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 13 Mag whip S,M,L - 13 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 15 Mag whip S,M,L - 15 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 25 Mag whip S,M,L - 25 Mag whip smooth S,M,L - 35 Mag whip S,M,L - 35 Mag whip smooth S,M,L

Full License| please do not resell or share this procreate tattoo brushes file. However, you may sell/tattoo what you create with these brushes.   

| access | Download your procreate tattoo brushes file instantly: Once you have purchased this listing you will be able to download the file and install immediately.  - No physical item will be sent. - No refunds/returns for digital items

*please note the download period is within 24 hours if you have passed this time limit contact us through email and we will be happy to resolve this issue